An annual financial checkup is as important for your finances as a physical is for your health, and your mortgage is a large part of your finances. As your life changes, a mortgage review helps you determine if your loan should change. While an annual review is ideal, you should definitely schedule one now if:
In short, a review will help you ensure your mortgage is meeting your changing financial needs.
What's involved?
A mortgage review is similar to applying for a mortgage in the sense that a mortgage expert will work with you to examine your credit, your income, and your current financial situation. In addition, they'll look at your current loan - the interest rate, monthly payment, mortgage insurance, etc. Based on these factors, they can suggest any specific changes that would be beneficial.
Pro Tip:
If you're able to refinance for lower payments, but you don't have any trouble making your current payment, consider continuing to pay the same amount or reduce the mortgage term so you can pay off your mortgage faster.
What are the benefits?
Ideally, your current mortgage is still the best fit for you. However, there are several potential benefits that can include:
If you want to know how your mortgage stacks up, schedule your review today. It's fast, easy, and free and there are no strings attached.
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